A C++ implementation of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols
▼NRSDecoder_GF2E | |
CDT | |
▼NRSDecoder_ZZ_p | |
CDT | |
CAGDecodeInfo | |
CAGParams | |
CBufferInfo | |
CChoice | |
CChorParams | |
CcmpPolys | |
CCol | |
CDataStore | A simple database object |
CDecoderResult | Contains the results (so far) of decoding words |
CElem | |
CFileDataStore | A database that is backed by one contiguous file |
CFXY | |
CGF2EParams | |
CHybridParams | |
CMatrix | |
CMemoryStreamBuf | |
CNullClient | A PIR client that does nothing except send random data to the servers and receive the responses |
CPercyAGClient | A PIR client for the CPIR protocol by Aguilar Melchor and Gaborit (2007) |
CPercyAGServer | A PIR server for the CPIR protocol by Aguilar Melchor and Gaborit (2007) |
CPercyBlockResults | |
CPercyClient | An abstract base class for a PIR client |
CPercyClient_Chor | A PIR client for the IT-PIR protocol by Chor et al. (1995) |
CPercyClient_GF2E | A PIR client for the IT-PIR protocol by Goldberg (2007) over GF(2^E) |
CPercyClient_ZZ_p | A PIR client for the IT-PIR protocol by Goldberg (2007) over the integers modulo p |
CPercyClientParams | Client parameters |
CPercyClientStats | |
CPercyHybridClient | |
CPercyHybridServer | |
CPercyParams | An abstract base class for a protocol's parameters |
CPercyResult | |
▼CPercyServer | An abstract base class for a PIR server |
CCol | |
CElem | |
CMatrix | |
CRow | |
CSubMatrix | |
CPercyServer_Chor | A PIR server for the IT-PIR protocol by Chor et al. (1995) |
CPercyServer_GF2E | A PIR server for the IT-PIR protocol by Goldberg (2007) over GF(2^E) |
CPercyServer_ZZ_p | A PIR server for the IT-PIR protocol by Goldberg (2007) over the integers modulo p |
CPercyServerParams | Server parameters |
CPercyServerStats | |
CPercyStats | |
CQueryBatchStats | |
CRecoveryPoly | A struct containing a reconstructed polynomial over the field F |
CRecoveryPolyMulti | A struct containing a multiple reconstructed polynomials over the field F |
CRecursiveAGParams | |
CRecursiveClient | A PIR client for recursive PIR protocols |
CRecursiveClientParams | |
CRecursiveParams | |
CRecursiveServer | A PIR server for recursive PIR protocols |
CRecursiveServerParams | |
CRow | |
CRSDecoder | Reed-Solomon Decoder |
Cserverinfo | Information needed to connect to a server |
CSPIRClientQuery | |
CSPIRServerQuery | |
CSubMatrix | |
Csubset_iterator | |
CZZ_pParams |