A C++ implementation of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols
A PIR server hosts a database and processes private requests from clients.
Below we explain the steps necessary to create a PIR server using our interface.
The first step is to create a protocol parameters object with information about our protocol and the database. This protocol parameters object will be an instantiation of one of the classes derived from PercyParams:
The protocol parameters object is then encapsulated in a server parameters object. This contains information about how the server will handle the computation.
If our protocol parameters object is non-recursive (one of AGParams, ChorParams, GF2EParams, or ZZ_pParams) we create a PercyServerParams object.
Otherwise, our protocol parameters object is recursive (one of HybridParams or RecursiveAGParams) and we create a RecursiveServerParams object.
The next step involves setting up a database object. Using our server parameters object, we create a DataStore object:
Finally, we create our server object. This is done by passing our server parameters and database to the factory method PercyServer::make_server().
For the server to handle a request from a client, a connection must be established with the client and then the server's PercyServer::handle_request() method can be used to process queries.